Service Agreement Template

Table of Contents

What is a Service Agreement, and When Do I Need One?

Are you engaging a third party (person or an entity) for a project or other defined engagement? In that case, you should consider writing and executing a service agreement.

A service agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a service relationship between two parties. It defines the scope of services to be provided, the payment terms, confidentiality obligations, dispute resolution mechanisms, and other important details. This agreement ensures that both parties clearly understand their rights and responsibilities, and helps protect their interests throughout the service engagement. Examples of the scenarios where a service agreement will come most handy include:

  • Execute an agreement with your client or partners if you are a small start-up
  • Engage a freelancer or an independent contractor (or you could be the freelancer yourself) for a short-to-long-term project to protect your rights and set expectations
  • Engage professional service providers, such as consultancy firms

Template of Service Agreement

To make your work easier, we created the below ready-to-use template of service agreement that you can customize to fit your needs and to ensure clear and mutually beneficial service relationships for your organization.

Please download the document to your device to edit it further.

Additional Readings

If you are looking to hire someone as your employee, read the below guide and templates.


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